Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ways to teach in a gentle manner

The following is a list of ways to teach in a gentle manner and was written by Martin Haberman in an article for educational HORIZONS in Spring 1994:

"*  Put  students  ahead  of subject  matter. Use  students'  interests.
Generate  students'  interests. Never go  through the meaningless
motion  of "covering" material  apart from students' involvement
and learning.
"*  Never use shame or humiliation.
"*  Never scream or harangue.
"*  Never get caught in escalating  punishments to force  compliance.
"*  Listen, hear, remember, and use students' ideas.
"  Model cooperation with all other adults in the building.educational HORIZONS
"*  Respect students' expressions  of ideas.
"*  Demonstrate  empathy for students' expressions  of feelings.
"*  Identify student  pain, sickness, and  abuse,  and  follow  up with
people who  can help them.
"*  Redefine  the  concept  of a  hero.  Show how  people  who work
things out are great.
"*  Teach students  peer mediation.  Do  not expect  students to learn
from  failing; repeated  failure  leads  only to more frustration  and
giving up.
"*  Devise  activities  at which students  can succeed; success  engenders further effort.
"*  Be  a  source of constant  encouragement  by finding good  parts of
all students' work.
"•  Defuse, sidestep, redirect  all  challenges  to your authority. Never
confront  anyone, particularly  in public.
"*  Use  cooperative learning  frequently.
"*  Create  an extended family  in the classroom.
"*  Use  particular subject matters  as the way to have "fights": science
"fights" about  rival  explanations,  math  "fights" about  different
solutions, social studies "fights" about what really happened.
"*  Never ask students for private  information  publicly.
"*  Don't try to control by  calling on  children who  are not paying
attention  and embarrassing  them.
"*  Demonstrate respect for parents in the presence of their children

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